Many drivers (and their passengers) are killed in single car accidents on clear roads.

The ‘It’s a clear road’ trap  

Changes to road design in towns, on major routes and motorways have helped reduce the casualty rate, however, other roads have not seen the same level of accident reduction.

Have you ever seen a horse or a cow that has been hit by a car? Or the resultant wreckage that the driver is cut out from? There is nothing wrong with driving fast on a truly clear road, but such roads are rarely found in the UK (perhaps if you lived in Montana!).

Empty motorways can have debris on the road surface from burst truck tyres, etc. Not much of a problem at 70mph, but dangerous at 100. Country roads are rarely clear, stray animals, mud, farm vehicles, damaged surfaces, water, and ice.

Many drivers (and their passengers) are killed in single car accidents on clear roads. By all means drive fast if that is what you want to do – but do it in an intelligent way.

Any moron can end up in a field!

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Les Ellerby

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